About the St Nicholas-at-Wade website

This site was produced by Ben Jones, 3rd-generation resident of the village, from around 1996-2001 on CompuServe (I believe it was the first web page in the world to mention Thanet), 2002-2006 on FreeServe, 2006-2007 inside my Japanese Translations site, then on its own domain here from 2008. Part of it was split off to a WikiSpaces site in 2009-2015, in the hope others would contribute, but few did.

Older versions of website from around 1996 and 2009 — screenshots from Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer 8

Other websites or pages have appeared (and disappeared) since, as shown on the links page, including the village entry on Wikipedia, various 'official' parish council sites (only updated sporadically), the parish council magazine (only sometimes available online) and Facebook groups (which occasionally implode). One aim of this website is therefore to provide continuity, and collate information that otherwise would get lost. For any queries, contributions or corrections, please email music [at] ozaru [dot] net.

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