Family history records in St Nicholas-at-Wade

Some village records go back nearly 1000 years, and people do come from all over the world to visit their ancestors' graves or former houses.

Cemetery and churchyard

I have access to a list of the 'monumental inscriptions' in St Nicholas-at-Wade cemetery and many of those inside the church and the churchyard — including those with contradictory information, e.g. on death dates and number of children — and can arrange for photos to be taken. The crypt that was rediscovered in 1983 is no longer accessible, however.

Gravestones at St Nicholas-at-Wade

Census records

I have access to an index of the census returns for St Nicholas-at-Wade in 1841—1911, with the names of everyone in the village on the night of the census, which can be used to help assist in locating your ancestors (i.e. manual research rather than just relying on Ancestry, MyHeritage, FindMyPast, and so on). There are also some interesting statistics on trends in population/employment.

Unfortunately, in some years very few actual addresses are recorded in St Nicholas, e.g. one sees merely "The Street" or even "The Village" — and often we find conflicting information such as different dates or place of birth. But more detailed information is sometimes available for a fee.

Anneli Jones also conducted an amazing in-depth census of her own, initially in 1966 and then in more detail in 1976. One of these days it would be nice to compile and publish it... along with an updated version of her book The Changing Face of St Nicholas-at-Wade.

Handwritten survey results Handwritten survey results Handwritten survey results Handwritten survey results

Handwritten survey results Handwritten survey results Handwritten survey results Handwritten survey results

For more general info, you may find Janet and Richard's Thanet genealogy pages of interest.