St Nicholas-at-Wade schools

The current St Nicholas C of E Primary School is popular with parents in the surrounding areas — which can also cause traffic problems inside the village.

Information on the various past schools in the village can be found in Richard Parker's 'The Schools of St Nicholas-at-Wade, 1640-1957' (pub. Millbank 1957) and also Anneli Jones's The Changing Face of St Nicholas-at Wade. Many photos of the 1970s onwards have been shared on social media; for now we're showing just a selection through time.

Old school pupils
Old picture (age uncertain, and higher resolution copy mislaid)

Old school pupils
Infants' class, 1910-11

Old school pupils
Pupils in the 1920s: the back of the photo included the names. As far as we can decipher them they are (left to right, with likely date of birth):
Gilbert Frederick Hewitt 1908, Arthur Henry West 1910, D Ord, C Hogbin (Christopher 1909 or Cyril 1910), Arthur Henry Mark Clayson 1909, Stephen F Baker 1909, William G Rayner 1909, Albert A Prett 1911, L Petts, Brice (Albert Edward 1909 or John James 1910), R Petts, George Ronald Slater 1911
Francis Elizabeth Hearn 1909, Florence Louise Keeler 1910, Mabel Rose Spooner 1911, Jessie E Atkins 1912, May Ella Keeler 1909, Flora Marion Crane 1910, Eva Sayer 1911, Frances Ada Simpson 1908, Mary Annie G Hewitt 1909, J Southen, Henry W Gibbs 1911

Old school pupils
Easter bonnets; date unknown (colourized).

Old school pupils
1953, with schoolmistress Kath Parker (wife of Richard Parker above).

Old school pupils
1961: new school building.

1971: two cine-film videos taken of some of the school children on an 'adventure' at Anneli's home Street Acre.

Old school pupils
1974 Christmas show.

Old school pupils
c. 1981: the head is keen on Judo.

Old school pupils
1992: the school orchestra gains a high reputation, even playing at the Royal Festival Hall.